
The Shalom Community founds its first mission in Colombia

The mission in Bogota is the first presence of the Shalom Community in Colombia where the charism has been flourishing for seven years thanks to the evangelizing commitment of the members of the Work.


On September 29, the Solemnity of the Holy Archangels, the founding Mass of the Bogotá Mission in Colombia was celebrated with the presence of the first missionaries from the Life Community, Covenant Community, and members of the Work at the parish of Santa María del Prado in the Colombian capital.

The celebration was presided over by the Vicar of the central zone of Bogota, Msgr. Daniel Delgado, and concelebrated by the parish priest Afonso Moyano. Bishop Delgado also addressed words of admiration to the members of the Community:

“These young people are an unquestionable sign that the Lord keeps His promises and that the Holy Spirit continues to inspire charisms in the world and promote the work of extending the Kingdom”.

After the celebration, Bishop Delgado visited the Evangelization Center of the Community in the city to visit the facilities where he was welcomed by the youth of the Work who made an artistic representation showing the first steps of the Shalom Community through the life of Moses.

Witnesses To God’s Work

“With our eyes set on the Jubilee of Hope that we will experience next year, being part of the foundation of our mission in Bogotá is an opportunity to immerse myself in the hope and consolation that God wants to bring to the people of Bogotá. In the midst of sin and hopelessness in the world, it is possible to believe, hope, intercede, and evangelize with joy!”

(Erika Lima, Local Responsible and missionary of the Life Community)

“For me, celebrating this day means once again witnessing the Voice and Act of God that preceded us, making this mission land fruitful for so long. Now, we are renewed and driven to witness to God’s love with greater courage and audacity. It is the time for a New Work”.

(Francisco da Silva, Life Community)

“Experiencing the founding Mass of the Bogotá mission was a renewal of my vocational call. Even as a member of the Covenant Community, I know that the Lord is calling me to evangelize other nations and bear witness to the concrete experience of His love that I have had through my life of prayer”.

(Thiago Clemente Moreno, Covenant Community member in mission)

“It was a great joy to see the Shalom charism materialize in our city, and above all, to feel supported and encouraged by the local church through the words and blessings received from our episcopal vicar, Monsignor Daniel, and Father Alfonso.”

(Duai Colmenarez, member of the Shalom Work)

Being Disciples of Peace in Bogotá

The Shalom charism has been present in Bogotá for seven years through the Work, which has undertaken evangelization and promoted the charism during this time. Today, the Work has around 60 members.

Currently, the mission is involved in various apostolic activities, such as adoration nights and open groups at the parish of Santa Maria del Prado. It also holds seminars on life in the Holy Spirit, street evangelization, and will launch Vocational 2025 in October.

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