
The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of prophecy

The Charisms of the Spirit, conferred to all in Baptism and intensified in Confirmation, are also called gifts of the Holy Spirit. With these gifts He enables us to serve the Church of Christ.


Through the Gift of Prophecy, God speaks clearly, in a simple and direct way to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort (1 Cor 14: 3). The Word of God, the divine voice, requires us to have an attitude of respect and obedience. The prophecy comes after a praise to God in tongues, with songs or words, when the community gathers in prayer or when a Christian enters into personal prayer.

After the praise, there follows a silence of listening to God and receiving the anointing which comes in feeling strongly the presence of God through an impulse, an intimate movement of our spirit, a tingling in our fingers, a particular sense of heat in our body, a rapid heartbeat, or whatever the Lord thinks is best. Thus, the message of God is proclaimed.

Generally, the Prophecies are pronounced in the first or second person, since the Lord is a God who speaks in a personal way and speaks directly to us: “Do not fear …”; “You are my people …”; “My children … “;” I am your God … “. We listen to these divine messages and keep them in our hearts.


The truthfulness of the Prophecy 

After the message has been proclaimed, each person should discern so that the Lord can confirm the prophecy (1 Cor. 14: 29) through the movements given to the other members of the community. God uses His Word, visions, feelings or other signs to affirm the truth of the prophecy. It must conform to the Word of God, to the doctrine of the Church and be directed to the Glory of God and to the salvation of men.

Those who witness the proclaimed prophecy should manifest themselves in the midst of the assembly. The more a prophecy is confirmed, the greater the faith we place in it and the greater the opening for the action of the Holy Spirit in that community.


Consensus of the will

The Gift of the Prophecy builds up the assembly (I Cor 14: 4). No one prophesizes without the consent of the will which accepts the Word of God: If we pronounce them with fear, insecurity or without human respect, we may not be able to prophesize. 

God does not violate or force the human mind against our will, against our consent. Yes, He uses the human mind and faculties, asking us only to be an instrument in His hands: “The spirits of prophets are under the prophets’ control” (1 Cor 14: 32), “but everything must be done properly and in order” (1 Cor 14:40) and discerned by others (1 Cor 14:29), because “He is not the God of disorder but of peace” (1 Cor 14:33).


Our collaboration is essential

The charisms of the Spirit, conferred on all in Baptism and intensified in Confirmation, are also called the gifts of the Holy Spirit. With these gifts He enables us to serve the Church of Christ through our brothers. The charisms are therefore powerful gifts for the service of the Christian community.

But there are conditions for receiving and persevering in the charismatic life: simplicity and purity of heart; assiduity of meditation on the Word of God; life of prayer; desire to serve brothers like Jesus (Lk 22:27); perseverance in receiving spiritual gifts (always open to being channels of action and to the power of the Spirit).

Our collaboration is essential. God doesn’t want us to be robots that act independently, as mechanical beings. Respect our freedom and our consent. If we believe, we say yes to what the Lord wants to accomplish in us. Mary Most Holy is the model of total openness: “May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Lk 1:38).

Translation: Jhoanna Climacosa



Bíblia Ave-Maria
Estudo Bíblico Enchei-vos
Carismas – Coleção Paulo Apóstolo
O despertar dos Carismas
Catecismo da Igreja Católica
Christisfidelis Laice
Como usar los carismas – Benigno Juanes
Lumen Gentium


The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of science

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of tongues

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of discernment

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of wisdom



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