
“The Song of Irias”: a new vision about the history of human being

“The Song of Irias” is a musical that has been presented by Shalom Catholic Community, in more than 20 countries. It is a new vision about the history of human being and His creator without prejudices that it is being performed in Acamps Summer Festival on Friday 10 August 2018.


There is an inner life inside each man no matter how much we alienate ourselves of it, it continues there, inside us, alive. As much as we want to destroy it, we can not. It is bigger and more real than everything we see. It always yell what is real inside of us, whether we want or not to know.” (Excerpt from “The Song of Irias” musical)

This musical is not only a show recognized by critics and the public, it goes beyond, providing a great show with theater, dance and music yet a new vision about the history of human being and His creator without prejudices.

The story goes over the testimony of a man who makes the experience of choosing to move away from God, seduced by the claim of a ‘freedom’ that created his own truth. It is a very current proposal because the modern man involved in relativism, has made the same experience of turning away from God to become the center of all decisions.

God still loves and respects the human decisions despite his suffering of being rejected by his own creature. In the story told in “The song of Irias”, getting far away from God, along the way, knows the ‘Irias’, enigmatic creatures who live in the darkness. It attracts him with its singing, involves him with pleasurable sensations, but at the end it steals his heart and his freedom. The man then lives prisoner of the sensations and sin, and loses himself. He is disfigured.

The "Song of Irias": a new vision about the history of human being However God, in his infinite Mercy goes and meets the man going down to the human depths. He does not go meet the man to judge him, to condemn him or humiliate him. God goes to the man to show his love by proposing a path of maturity and responsibility before the choices of life. The subject is complicated, but the best of this presentation is its beauty and creativity when it expresses man’s sin and God’s mercy.

It is not a moral approach, judgings or blaming. It is a story where human frailty meets God’s love that is able to restore man in any situation and give him a happy and full life. The production draws the attention of the viewer on the inner life that is real inside all of us. We cannot escape from what is in our depths, our sins, but also God’s presence. God may change everything and make us new.


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