
Vocational discernment meeting 2018


Last Sunday, February, 25th, was a very exciting day for some of the young adults in Boston, EUA, who are trying to find their vocation in the Catholic Church. The shalom vocational discernment path has a different theme each year. For the 2018 year, the theme is “Drawn by You, I want to follow You”. This first “open meeting” for the discernment year was the first of a series of monthly meetings for those who feel called to pursue this path to discover what the Shalom vocation is.

The meeting took place at the Shalom house in Cambridge, MA. During the meeting 10 young adults and the Shalom missionaries were together for a time of deep prayer, adoration, talks and sharing groups.

Kelly Dinning, a member of a Shalom prayer group who attended this meeting for the first time, shared her experience:
“The week before the open discernment meeting I had been really stressed out and anxious. I was questioning a lot of things in my life and over thinking a lot. I came to the meeting not knowing what to expect. I was looking forward to it, and hoping to gain some clarity as to if I am making the right decision. Moysés Azevedo talk really spoke to me, and it was very confirming in the sense that I am in the right place. God has brought me here for a reason and I need to give Him my full ‘Yes’ despite my fears. Saying ‘Yes’ and trusting in God, and His path for me, because He has prepared me for this moment in my life.

In community prayer and adoration in front of the blessed sacrament, it was extremely comforting for me and the perfect way to begin a new week. It was confirmed for me through the intercessory prayer of one of the missionaries that God wants me to be still as I go through this process. That it is okay that I do not know what will happen, because He is leading me. I need to not be anxious, but be trusting, and allow God to speak to me and guide me throughout this year.

Jesus is drawing me closer to Him

After the meeting and the following day, God really put me in unexpected situations that further confirmed that I am right where I need to be. I know it will be a very challenging but fruitful year, filled with self-discovery, a lot of healing, and a further understanding for how God has led me to this point in my life and how He is calling me. Jesus is drawing me closer to Him, and I will be learning how to grow deeper in my relationship with Him, but also with the Shalom community and charisma.”

This and various other initiatives of Shalom Catholic Community are carried out with the help of benefactors who take up with us the commitment to promote a culture of peace in the world which awaits the manifestation of the children of God (Rom 8:19).
Do you want to take this mission with us? Support us!

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