Who was King Herod and why did he decide to kill all the children in his kingdom who were less than two years old? Why did a powerful king fear poor and unknown baby? Why does fear often generate violent and disproportionate reactions?
And why does the Catholic Church celebrate this tragedy as a feast at Christmas time?
These questions are difficult to answer but we can reflect about it and live the feast of the holy innocents in a deeper way. We can reflect on our reactions when we feel threatened by something or someone who can change our life. How do we deal with the innocents who are still been killed today? Herod’s fear made him kill because he could not deal with this new situation. And us, when life brings us surprises, how do we respond?
In Shalom Vocation in its Writings, God invites us to open our hearts to a “new thing” He is doing it. King Herod was close to God and many innocents died. Maybe nowadays many innocents are dying because we are not opened to God’s surprises. How many children are dying in clinical abortions, in wars, in the migration crisis, in the misery with starvation?
We can examine our conscience and pray God to forgive us because many times our heart is closed to His surprises and ask Him to help us to be opened to welcome everything He sends us.