
Discover the Life Story of Saint Teresa of Calcutta

The religious order of the Missionaries of Charity was founded by Saint Teresa of Calcutta in 1950 with the mission of caring for the “poorest of the poor.”

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Saint Teresa of Calcutta, whose birth name was Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, was born on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, Macedonia (then part of the Ottoman Empire, now the capital of North Macedonia). She was an Albanian Catholic nun who became globally renowned for her humanitarian work with the poor and needy in Calcutta, India, and for founding the religious order of the Missionaries of Charity.

After feeling the divine call during her adolescence, Teresa entered the convent of the Sisters of Loreto in Dublin, Ireland, in 1928. In 1929, she departed for India, where she taught at a school for girls in Calcutta. She adopted the name Teresa in honor of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, the patron saint of missionaries.

In 1946, during a train journey, Teresa felt a strong calling from the Lord to abandon her traditional religious life and dedicate herself directly to serving the poor and the sick. In 1948, after a period of preparation and approval from the Church, she received permission to begin her work among the most disadvantaged in Calcutta.

Teresa began her work on the streets of the city, tending to the sick, dying, and abandoned. She opened a home for the dying, an orphanage, and a school for the children of the poor. Over time, others joined her in her mission, and the religious order of the Missionaries of Charity was officially founded in 1950 with the mission of caring for the “poorest of the poor.”

Teresa’s work expanded rapidly, and the Missionaries of Charity established centers of assistance and medical services worldwide. Her work was characterized by simplicity, unconditional love, and dedication to the most needy. She became an internationally recognized figure, and her life and works inspired many to engage in humanitarian activities.

Teresa received numerous awards and recognitions, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She passed away on September 5, 1997. In 2016, she was canonized as Saint Teresa of Calcutta by the Catholic Church, officially recognizing her sanctity and her contribution to humanity. Saint Teresa of Calcutta is remembered for her love for the most needy and her dedication to selfless service, leaving a lasting legacy of compassion and charity.


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