
Fully Alive is freedom!

This past October 12-13 the Shalom mission in Boston held the 4th annual Fully Alive, Life in the Spirit Seminar. With more than 90 participants throughout the weekend, this has been the largest retreat in Boston yet, and even greater were the graces.


For the missionaries was a great blessing to welcome such a diverse group, from different ages to nationalities and religious backgrounds, the Holy Spirit was able to touch everyone in such a profound and life changing way. At the same time, this was the first year in which they were able to reach more local young people and also of American nationality. It was a special gift to welcome many people who were having their first encounter with the Holy Spirit, whether Catholics that were venturing deeper into their faith to non baptized as well as brothers from different Christian denominations.

The weekend was packed with deep moments of prayer and healing, mass and adoration, wonderful live music by the local band that led them to live each moment in a more profound way, dynamic talks and reflection and many great opportunities to make new and authentic friendships.

In addition, they had a separate course for those members of the Shalom Work and those whom had previously lived Fully Alive. This was an amazing opportunity to deepen in knowledge of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to prepare their hearts to have an even deeper experience with the Holy Spirit, not only in the retreat but more importantly, in daily lives.

Who wants to be FULLY ALIVE??? To discover the life-living power of the Holy Spirit one of the greatest experiences a human being can undergo. Because living Fully Alive is FREEDOM, for the Lord says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh” Ez36:26. Throughout the retreat the mission were able to prepare hearts to receive the Holy Spirit, to receive these new hearts of flesh by the love and mercy of our Lord, to heal, to overcome, to experience true freedom to say “YES” to the Lord!

«Pope Francis says that “saying ‘yes’ to God’s will is the first step to being happy and to make other people happy.” Living the retreat is the first of many steps the Lord will invite us to take to reach true happiness, for ourselves and for those around us. Retreat participants were invited to continue their walk by joining Shalom weekly prayer group that will guide them into the Way of Peace, to deepen their experience with the Holy Spirit and grow in a greater intimacy and friendship with our Lord while building community. Let us keep praying as we enter into this new journey together!» says Wendy Ramírez, a Shalom missionary in Boston.



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