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The Sacred in Shalom Music

“The Sacred has always been very important in our vocation, because, even, we are consecrated. The Sacred is the place where God dwells, it is what is set apart for God”, says Moysés Azevedo, founder of the Shalom Catholic Community. In 2019, during the Listening Retreat, God spoke about the Sacred in the Shalom Vocation, […]

Shalom has four new Priests

Four deacons of Shalom Catholic Community have been ordained priests on December 22 by the Archbishop of Fortaleza, Jose Antonio Tosi Marques, at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. They are Cristiano Pinheiro, Edie Bethlem, Gustavo Jose and Hintz Dagoberto, all missionary members of the Shalom Community. Their first Mass has been celebrated on the […]
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