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Understanding the feast of divine mercy

The sunday of divine mercy is how is called the second sunday of easter. This name has been given by John Paul II as a response to the message of Merciful Jesus to Saint Faustina, as she said in her spiritual diary: “Paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the signature: “Jesus, […]

To read and live the word of God

Those who have the Bible as their compass, safe harbour and Light, will never get lost or drown in the sea of despair or walk in the darkness of sin, on the contrary: they are enlightened to live and contemplate the face of Eternal Light.
Identidade Visual Comunidade Católica Shalom


Church Towards WYD Seoul 2027! María José Aguilar - Sep 28, 2024 Formation To read and live the word of God Shalom Applications open for the Madagascar Missionary Expedition 2025 Church Discover the Life Story of Saint Teresa of Calcutta Shalom Emmir Nogueira: A Heart Undivided and Devoted to Love Daughter of God, Shalom, Community […]
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