
Acamps Summer Festival: to the ends of the world


Since meeting the Community, I have participated in numerous Acamps, 11 to be exact. And because God never allows me to be complacent and thus fail to see that He is always able to realize something completely new, in this Acamps Summer Festival, I was able to see that the Shalom Charisma is truly international: it is not only for the Brazilians, but for the whole world; I testified to the fact that God truly sends us to the ends of the world, so that the seed of the Vocation may blossom in the furthest and most unexpected soils.

We are a single charisma, spreading throughout the whole world, people from over 10 different nationalities who sought a common language to communicate with each other, to witness the wonders of God, to express how He acts in the lives of each of us. Language is far from being a barrier, it is first a bridge that connects one another. When a common language cannot be found, Love overflows and speaks for itself.

This Charisma that goes beyond my internal limitations also overcomes the external ones, it doesn’t stop at the barriers between different cultures and people.

What warmed my heart was seeing Shalom participants have an experience before God. I had heard that “this Charisma” would not work with Europeans, and I loved seeing how here God showed me the complete opposite. It does indeed work! They too are capable of knowing and experiencing God, capable of returning to the faith that their ancestors spread throughout the whole world. European Youth is also capable of offering everything to God!


Victoria Ribeiro

Translation: Gabriela Goes


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