Faith is a Panamanian value

WYD Panama 2019 – Panamanian Beauty and Faith

The next WYD in Panama next January is coming soon and wish to give you an opportunity to know more about this great event through an young shalom life missionary who is already there working as a volunteer: Barbara Freitas. She is going to send us a monthly logbook to tell us what God is preparing for us in this amazing country.

How can I invite someone back to church at Christmas?

Bells are ringing. The trees are glistening. Everything is covered in snow. All seems right with the world during the Christmas season. But what if your friend or family member is missing out on the best part of Christmas – Christ? Here are a few ideas to help bring them back to church during this special time.

Feast of the Holy Innocents: 2,000 years later we still remember the pain their mothers felt

Thirty-four years ago I sat beside a hospital bed with its tubes dangling, pumps silent, all attempts at life support shut down, as I held my child, my 22-month-old son, cradling him in my arms as I watched the last flicker of his life ebb away. He died from drowning. But you, you mothers of the Holy Innocents, you whose babies, your young sons, perhaps your 22-month-olds, there you were cradling your children, bloody from the stab wounds inflicted by the soldiers. I think of you and I wonder.

Young man with down syndrome questions President of Germany

The German presidential elections are approaching and the candidates are in campaign climate. In this climate, current President Angela Merkel, seeking her re-election, gave an interview on a TV show and was asked a question that left her without reaction. The question was: “Mrs. Merkel, you’re a politician, you make the laws. Nine out of […]