
God is also calling you online

‘Alive in Christ’ groups are an international community of young people who meet online.


Alive in Christ

The name “Alive in Christ” was inspired by what Pope Francis wrote on the first page of Christus Vivit: Christ is alive and he wants you alive! (CV 1). 

‘Alive in Christ’ groups are an international community of young people who meet online. Young people from all five continents often come from distant geographical and existential peripheries (even countries where Christians are a minority and they are able to experience God for the first time). They all carry in their heart a common goal: to experience the Risen One who passed through the cross! 

“Our groups are online, but they are more real than virtual because the fruits of conversion in our lives testify to this” 

The group was born from the Shalom Catholic Community’s spirituality, a charismatic community of praise that uses its formation path to communicate Christ to young people. Most members are the result of evangelization through social media. The young people in the group find an opportunity to get closer to the church, seek their vocation and live a fraternal experience of international communion. 

“The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes” (Jn 3:8). The inspiration for this group is to be one more incentive of many in the church, to reach those whom the Lord wants to call to himself. 

The groups Alive in Christ

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mt 18:20) 

Once a week, each group (in English, Italian and Spanish) meets in their language to pray and participate in the formation, ask questions, and share. It all takes about two hours and is done through Zoom. In addition to this, each young person is encouraged to: do their daily bible study on their own (through the method of Lectio Divina) and each month, if they wish, get a personal accompaniment (a consecrated member from the online community who can listen to the young person and pray for them). All members are called to be protagonists of evangelization through a service entrusted to them. 

In this way, young people gathered by the power of the Spirit live a true Pentecost. 

“Our laptops and smartphones have become means that guide us to connect with God and with each other in a new way.” 

A site made by young people to evangelize other young people

We believe that the Lord is asking us to dive deeper into the waters and live in a more edifying way in this big world: the digital continent.

Many young people are placed in a culture of pessimism, solitude, fear, war, hunger or persecution within the digital world. Even if only a drop of water in the ocean, this initiative can reach those in most need of the Father’s care. 

The idea to promote this new site is to open the church’s doors even more, showing a younger face of the church through a communication channel where there will be articles, news, faith testimonies from around the world, videos and interviews. Young theologians will write the Gospels’ meditations and a form of interaction will be organized through the blog. The idea is that this medium is not just a vehicle of information, but for the experience of faith. 

We will also discuss the importance of Lectio Divina, personal accompaniment and how to go on a mission. Therefore, the young people will be invited to migrate from the virtual meeting to a personal encounter, going on missions, volunteering, participating in international events, such as camps, World Youth Days, various festivals organized by the communities and movements, and more. 

The groups are open for those who wish to participate and anyone who wishes can invite their friends

To learn more about this initiative, please contact



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