
Life Community: heart of the Shalom Community

The vocation to Shalom Catholic Community can be experienced in two complementary dimensions: Life Community and Covenant Community. Life Community is the heart of the Shalom Community.


The Life Community members receive the appeal to a more radical life offering and to a particular lifestyle. It is a calling to devote themselves wholly to a life of contemplation, unity and evangelization, and assume the core of the mission of evangelization and transformation of secular means into means of evangelization. They embrace a call to dedicate themselves to prayer, fraternal life and service in the Work.

In Life Community the missionaries are called, for the love of Jesus Christ and His kingdom, to renounce themselves and give away their life in His discipleship (see Luke 14: 25-27). It is a call to reproduce the model of the early Christian community (see Acts 4: 32-37) by putting everything in common and by renouncing the possession of material goods, projects, plans, and personal expectations, in order to follow Jesus unconditionally and without restrictions.

Life Community’s members live in ‘Community Houses’ sharing all their lives and material goods. The mixed fraternal life with various forms of life, such as priests, families and celibates for the kingdom of God, is a great gift to the Community and to the Church. As an essential part of the Charism, it expresses the unity of the Trinity and the beauty of complementarity that, in the chastity of Christ, can be manifested to the world as a testimony of fraternal communion and mission.

The missionaries participate daily to the Holy Mass. Early in the morning, they gather to celebrate the Liturgy of Hours in a perspective of thanksgiving and praise.It is reserved for each member time for Bible study and for personal prayer. Once a week, they gather for a moment of teaching and sharing and also for a communal recreation called koinonia. Before going to bed the members come together to celebrate Liturgical Prayer (Compline) in praise to the Lord, grateful for the graces already received and renewing our desire of fidelity to Him.

In their Apostolic Life, they seek to develop and use all necessary means and occupations to the growth of the Vineyard the Lord has entrusted us as a talent to be multiplied. They work as professionals of the kingdom of God, workers of the Lord’s Vineyard. Their capacity to work is fully engaged in being the Gospel’s yeast to the world and in the propagation of the kingdom of God.



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