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“Chez Moi”: Make yourself at home in Paris

Shalom Catholic Community opens a snack bar in Paris. Maybe you've heard this story before, "A snack bar for evangelization". In this way Shalom Catholic Community was born in 1982 in Brazil. The first Shalom Catholic Evangelization Centre opened as a coffee house in order to announce God’s love to the people who come to have a meal, but could find also joy, help and comfort.

Young man with down syndrome questions President of Germany

The German presidential elections are approaching and the candidates are in campaign climate. In this climate, current President Angela Merkel, seeking her re-election, gave an interview on a TV show and was asked a question that left her without reaction. The question was: “Mrs. Merkel, you’re a politician, you make the laws. Nine out of […]

Pope Francis at audience: our faith an anchor in heaven

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis held his weekly General Audience in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday, during which he continued his catechetical reflections on the theme of Christian hope, focusing specifically on the final words of comfort and consolation the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew records Our Lord speaking to the  disciples immediately before ascending […]
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