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Christ King of the Universe: in what does this Kingdom consist

THE INSTITUTION OF THE FEAST It is not new to Christians that Christ is King: the Holy Scriptures, the Fathers of the Church and the pious people give testimony. The feast of Christ the King was established less than a hundred years ago in 1925 by Pope Pius XI on the encyclical “Quas Primus” (Latin […]

4 Missionaries of the Covenant Community in love with missionary life

Keully Guedes, Mayara Raulino, Viviane Vieira and Marcela Leitão live the same experience: the missionary spirit in Shalom vocation. They are all members of the Covenant Community and, in response to God’s call, they went to lands distant from theirs. Please join us now in knowing the testimony of these women who are in love with the Mission.

[VIDEO] “Crucified Love” | Vocational Song

Natasha Ferreira and Yara Rocha sing in Arabic and Hebrew the song Crucified Love. They are Brazilian Life Community members of Shalom Catholic Community in Haifa, Israel. CRUCIFIED LOVE  How can I not adore You, Oh Wounded Heart? Source of Peace, of all Peace How can I not adore You Oh Crucified Love?  Holy, Holy, […]
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