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Why Herod was afraid of a little child?

Who was King Herod and why did he decide to kill all the children in his kingdom who were less than two years old? Why did a powerful king fear poor and unknown baby? Why does fear often generate violent and disproportionate reactions?
And why does the Catholic Church celebrate this tragedy as a feast at […]

Two new priests of Shalom Catholic Community

The archdiocese of Fortaleza has held, the 22nd of December, at 18:30, in the metropolitan cathedral, a solemn Eucharistical celebration in which have been ordained new priests, through the imposition of hands and the prayer of consecration of His Eminence José Antônio Aparecido, Metropolitan Archbishop of Fortaleza. Two out of the six new priests are […]

“It was God who always provided for us”. A strong testimony of faith from a family of Shalom Covenant Community

“I have been married to Denise for 8 years now, and we have a 2 1/2-year-old daughter”, says Tancredo. He and Denise, his wife, are both members of Shalom Covenant Community, having already made their Definitive Promises. “About 4 years ago we started a long adoption process, since we would not be able to bear […]

Life-changing experience in London

Shalom Catholic Community in London (UK) is hosting an event known as Life in the Spirit Seminar or LSS, to make it short. It’s not just an event: its an experience!  Thousands of people all over the world have experienced a turning point in their lives after taking part on a LSS retreat. We wouldn’t be writing this […]

Why Panama was chosen to be the place of the next WYD?

KRAKOW, Poland- Pope Francis on Sunday closed the Catholic week-long rally know as World Youth Day on a high, inviting the almost two million young women and men who’d gathered in the land of St. John Paul II to meet him again in 2019 – this time in Panama. “God’s providence is always one step […]

Halleluya Festival: the celebration of mercy in the land of Mercy

Halleluya Festival is known as the biggest integrated arts festival in Brazil, leading young people to have an experience with God through arts, sports, courses and Eucharistic celebrations. But one of the main places in the event is the area dedicated to the Sacrament of Reconciliation held in the so-called “Mercy Area”. In Fortaleza city, Brazil, […]
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