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Moysés Louro de Azevedo Filho is the founder and general moderator of the Shalom Catholic Community. He is also a counselor of the Pontifical Council for the laity since 2007, and of the Pontifical Council for the promotion of the New Evangelization since 2011. Moysés was born in 4th november 1959 in Fortaleza (Brazil). He […]

Easter Lunch

  Shalom Catholic Community in Toronto promoted this past Sunday an Easter Lunch. Counting with the presence of members of Shalom Community as well with some friends we prayed, praised and celebrated the resurrection  of Christ and his presence in our midst with music, fellowship and delicious food. Thanks for all who could join us. […]

Holy Week Retreat 2015

For the third consecutive year Shalom Catholic Community organises a retreat during Holy Week to help people to pray and deepen their understanding on the mysteries of Our Lord Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection. As Christians, we know how important this season is to our faith and lives. It is in fact THE most important […]

Follow us on ‪#‎lenteveryday‬

Our small sacrifice of today on our ‪#‎lenteveryday‬ challenge is to start the novena to Saint Joseph. It can be said by anytime of the year, specially around his feast, which is today. His intercession is known as a powerful instrument of God’s providence. Follows the link to the novena: ‪#‎saintjosephprovideforus‬ ‪#‎comshalom‬ ‪#‎instashalom‬ ‪#‎toronto‬‪#‎shalomtoronto‬ ‪#‎catholicchurch‬ […]

Such a smart Teresa!

“Grant me whatever you wish, life or death!” said St Teresa. Such courage! But Teresa exceeds in bravery when she goes further and says “grant me either hell or paradise!” Can you imagine that? Would you have the courage to say such a thing to God? Well, Saint Teresa did. It seems madness, however, in […]

Poetry and Beauty

21th of March is World Poetry Day. The word “poetry” has a Greek origin which means “I make” or “I create”. Therefore, it is something someone makes or creates. It is an art form where the poet uses human language “to create”, to express himself or express something. “Poetry is when an emotion has found […]

Pope: “make space for God’s love so He can change you”

Pope Francis says we are loved by God in a way that no theologian can explain. He was speaking during morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta. Taking his cue from the first reading from the prophet Isaiah in which the Lord says He is “about to create new heavens and a new earth”, Pope […]

What Job Can Teach us About Fatherhood

When we think of Job, we think of suffering. And it is true—Job suffered far more than any of us can imagine. Despite the fact that he was completely innocent, he endured intense physical pain, lack of sleep, hunger, the loss of his enormous wealth, the death of all of his children, and the insults […]
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