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Pope: we can’t be book-keepers of God’s love

Pope Francis on Thursday said that God is like a mother, He loves us unconditionally, but too often we want to take control of this grace in a kind of a spiritual book-keeping. The Pope was speaking during his homily at morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta. Taking his cue from the prophet Isaiah, […]


  This October Shalom Catholic Community promoted its annual fundraising event TEA LOVE CARE. It was a joyous afternoon with our friends, with people who participate in one of the prayer groups and other benefactors. We could be together , enjoy good food, live music and great people and specially we could help to support […]

Prayer, Purgatory and All Souls’ Day

When I was a Protestant, there were things I thought I knew about the Catholic Church, things I knew I didn’t know about the Catholic Church, but didn’t want to learn, and then a box marked, “Everything Else”. During my conversion process, that “Everything Else” box grew bigger and bigger as I slowly acquainted myself with this strange new religion […]

Rescued By Love

By: Daiana Barboza There is this new song by Sia, which is called “Swing from the Chandelier” and up until this moment I did not bother to pay attention to the lyrics. So I took the time and looked them up to understand the song better. The song brought back so many memories from a […]

Roots of the Culture of Death

  In Chapter 11 of Evangelium Vitae, Saint John Paul II refers to abortion and euthanasia as attacks made against human life at the time of its greatest frailty. He calls our attention to the fact that these attacks are no longer regarded as “crimes,” but as “rights”. They are carried out by health-care personnel […]

Pope at Mass: Let not your heart be troubled

Those who welcome the Holy Spirit will have a solid and endless peace, unlike those who choose to “superficially” trust in the tranquility offered by money or power. This was Pope Francis’ message at Mass Tuesday morning in Casa Santa Marta. The peace offered by things – money , power , vanity – and peace […]
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