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Pope: “Int’l community must take concrete steps for peace

Pope Francis has called on the international community to take concrete steps to bring about peace and to protect all those who are victims of war and persecution. In  a wide-ranging discourse to members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, the Pope focused on a series of urgent issues which – he said […]

Emmir Nogueira of Shalom visits Sophia

Exchange of gifts during the “culture of encounter” “It’s a joy to be at Sophia today and to testify also through this short visit, to the deep unity which links the Shalom Community and the Focolari Movement. Chiara Lubich is a reference point for us.  Hearing about your experiences gives me the impression of seeing here the […]

Can You ID the Devil?

The Chief Exorcist of Rome explains how the devil does appear. In a short interview with Rome’s Chief Exorcist, Fr. Gabriele Amorth, reporter Stefano Stimamiglio asks what the devil looks like. Father Gabriele: The devil is pure spirit, he has no corporeal substance and therefore cannot be represented in a form we can fully comprehend. […]

Forgive One Another … But How?

What was she to do? Brenda’s husband of three years abandoned her two years ago and today she received the divorce notice. “I don’t want to hate him for the rest of my life,” she said of Nathan. “I want to forgive him, but I don’t know how.” Brenda is typical of most of us […]

Pope to Israeli President Peres: May Jerusalem be the City of Peace

Pope Francis paid a visit to Israeli President Shimon Peres on the last day of his three day pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  In an encounter with the press ahead of a private meeting, Mr. Peres told the Holy Father peace requires “creativity and inspiration” and observed that Pope Francis possessed both.  For his part, […]

Justice and Mercy in Church Marriage Law

  In the run up to the October Synod of Bishops on marriage and the family, experts in Church marriage law came together in Rome this week to discuss the theme ‘Pastoral Marriage: Justice and Mercy, Antidotes Against ‘Laxism’ and ‘Rigorism’”. The study day at the University of the Holy Cross on May 22 aimed […]

“Towards a Better World”

Sunday 19th January the Church marks the 100th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. In his     message to mark this occasion, Pope Francis urged countries to welcome and respect    migrants and refugees and not to treat  them as “pawns on the chessboard of humanity”. In a world in which there are some 200 million […]
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