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Do you know what is CJS?

Do you know what is CJS?  CJS stands for “Congresso de Jovens Shalom” (in Portuguese) or “Congrès de Juenes Shalom” (in French) which translated into English is Shalom Youth Congress, also SYC. It is an event promoted by Shalom Catholic Community open to all young people who are willing to deepen their experience with the love of […]

Walk of faith: 500km of sugar, storms and blisters

The Caminho da Fe is one of the longest Catholic pilgrimage routes in the world, stretching 500km (310 miles) across south-eastern Brazil – it’s also one of the newest. Bob Walker joined the faithful on their trek to Aparecida. There are many places you’d rather not be when a storm of biblical proportions breaks above […]

33rd anniversary of the foundation of the Shalom Catholic Community

Last Thursday, July 9th, the Shalom Mission in Nazareth celebrated the 33rd anniversary of the foundation of the Shalom Catholic Community.  Holy Mass was celebrated, presided over by Father Bruno, the Guardian of the Basilica of the Annunciation. This was followed by a breakfast at which the members of the Shalom Community were present, as […]

Galaxies come to the Vatican

Galaxies, collections of billions of stars in beautiful spirals or elegant elliptical clouds, were once called “island universes” because they seemed so distant that they couldn’t possibly impinge on us. But the study of galaxies, near and far, young and old, has touched the Vatican this past month. It is the topic of the Vatican […]

Being Catholic in Zanzibar

Mathew Limo* knows what to expect when he goes to church with his family. On the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar, where 98 percent of the population is Muslim, Christians are given the cold shoulder. The past year has been characterized by renewed violence against Christians. So far the violence remains aimed at religious, but the […]

Jesus Must be Foundation of Every Catholic School

Catholic schools must have Christ as their foundation, and Catholic teachers are the core of the educational and missionary action of the Church. Their recruitment and training are also a challenge for the future of the young generations and the Church more than ever. These were some of the conclusions to have come out of […]

Pope Francis: discourse to diplomats

Pope Francis received letters of credence from a group of ambassadors to the Holy See on Thursday morning. The ambassadors hail from Ethiopia, India, Jamaica, Liberia, South Africa, Sudan, and Switzerland. In remarks prepared for the occasion and delivered to the ambassadors in the Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace on Thursday morning, Pope Francis […]
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