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Church, mission, poverty and Evangelization through the world, the topics of Shalom International Youth Congress in Rome

During the Shalom International Youth Congress, the talk in the afternoon received special guests to speak about very important topics in today’s young people lives. Vitor Aragão, Life Community missionary and responsible for the Youth Advisory of Shalom Community, and Teresa Maria from the Mission of Toulon, France, were leading the moment. To talk about […]

CJS-France 2015: A sign of Peace

Despite all the atrocities that occurred in Paris, France, in the early November 2015, the Archdiocese of Evry-Corbeil-Essone, only 30km away from Paris, welcomed over 300 young people from different parts of world in the CJS (click HERE) event. These Catholic youngsters wanted to be a sign of Peace to the world as they gathered there to pray, […]
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