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On the footsteps of Mary

“Have the courage of sobriety”, Fr. João Chagas on “The true source of Gain”

On the threshold of the pre-synod, which was held in Rome from March 19 to 24 and gathered young people from all over the world, the third monthly meeting “On the footsteps of Mary” was held on Saturday, March 17, with the evening theme “The true source of Gain”. The Rev. Fr. João Chagas, missionary […]

Christian Carnival attracted 130,000 in Brazil

Brazilian Carnival is largely known is a huge festival with organized parades, samba and dancers. Every year lots of people join the festival held in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Pernambuco and Bahia, where take place the biggest parties. However, it has been increasing the amount of those who decide to participate of a christian […]

An Inspiring and Refreshing Community Retreat in Boston

Over the weekend of January 20-21, the missionaries of the Shalom Catholic Community in Boston gathered for a retreat to pray and go deeper into what the Church told us during the Shalom Convention in Rome last September. During this annual retreat, 5 members from the Covenant Community, 2 members from the Life community, and […]

At the foot of the icon of Our Lady, a prayerful journey has started

A remarkable moment of grace took place in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, last Saturday evening. At the foot of the icon of Our Lady, Salus Populi Romani, entrusted by St. John Paul II to the young people, a prayerful journey has started towards the XV Ordinary Synod of Bishops on Young People(2018) […]

“Chez Moi”: Make yourself at home in Paris

Shalom Catholic Community opens a snack bar in Paris. Maybe you've heard this story before, "A snack bar for evangelization". In this way Shalom Catholic Community was born in 1982 in Brazil. The first Shalom Catholic Evangelization Centre opened as a coffee house in order to announce God’s love to the people who come to have a meal, but could find also joy, help and comfort.
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