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Happy Birthday, Pope Francis!

There was a festive atmosphere at the weekly General Audience on Wednesday, as Pope Francis celebrated his 78th birthday. As he made his way through the crowds, Pope Francis stopped by a group of seminarians from the Legion of Christ, who offered him a birthday cake, complete with lighted candles. The Holy Father also took […]

Pope Francis has appointed Toronto Auxiliary Bishop William McGrattan as the next Bishop of Peterborough.

Pope Francis has appointed Toronto Auxiliary Bishop William McGrattan as the next Bishop of Peterborough. He will be dearly missed by our archdiocese, and we pray for him as he embarks on his new assignment. News release: Information regarding the installation of Bishop McGrattan in Peterborough will be announced in the coming days. Bishop McGrattan […]

Archbishop of Toronto is appointed as a member of the Comission of Cardinals for the oversight of the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR)

In January 15, 2014 Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto,  issued the following statement regarding his January 15, 2014 appointment by Pope Francis as a member of the Commission of Cardinals for oversight of the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR). “I am honoured that Pope Francis has appointed me to serve as a member of the […]

Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, appointed to the Congregation for Bishops

Pope Francis has appointed the Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, to the Congregation for Bishops, among other new members. Archbishop Nichols was installed as the 11th Archbishop of Westminster, London, after Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor’s retirement. He is also President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales since 2009. Archbishop Vincent said after his […]

Appeal for Peace: Shalom Catholic Community invites its members to join in prayer for the Pope Francis

A strong appeal for peace: “War never again!” Marked the Pope Francis’ speech this Sunday, September 1, at the Marian Prayer Angelus. The Pope therefore decided to “proclaim to the whole Church, on the 7th of September, the vigil of the Nativity of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, a day of fasting and prayer for peace […]

Appeal for Peace: Shalom Catholic Community invites its members to join in prayer for the Pope Francis

A strong appeal for peace: “War never again!” Marked the Pope Francis’ speech this Sunday, September 1, at the Marian Prayer Angelus. The Pope therefore decided to “proclaim to the whole Church, on the 7th of September, the vigil of the Nativity of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, a day of fasting and prayer for peace […]
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