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Jovem a qual é destinada a Exortação Apostólica Christus Vivit

The novelty of Christus Vivit

Pope Francis gave “to young people and to the entire people of God” an apostolic exhortation called Christus Vivit, Christ Lives. It is a document that gathers all that was reflected on, discerned and discussed during the last Synod on “Young people, Faith and Vocational Discernment”, which was held in Rome from October 3rd to 28th 2018.

History of the Youth for Jesus Project

The founding of the Shalom Work took place through young people who were sensitive to the call of God and, in an innovative way, desired to transform the evangelization of the youth of Fortaleza through an unpretentious cafeteria. Today, we can see that the magnitude of the growth of this seed thrown by God has […]

Protection of minors

Guidelines of the Shalom Catholic Community regarding the Protection of Minors and vulnerable people Introduction 1. The Shalom Catholic Community is a private association of the faithful by Canon Law. Its Charism was born from an experience with the Risen One who passed through the Cross and communicates his Peace to the world (cf. Jo […]
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