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O que é uma vida carismática?

What is a charismatic life?

More than belonging to a movement, being charismatic consists in exercising the charisms in their fullness, without the Spirit of division or boasting. They must be used to build up the Church of Christ, so that all peoples may know the Truth and turn entirely to the Lord.

The Church which goes forth: Alive in Christ

Praise, sharing of life, openness to gifts, singing and prayer - all the elements of an ordinary Shalom prayer group, except that the participants are miles apart, even on different continents. Learn about the Alive in Christ initiative from the testimony of Mylene Otou.

Homily – April 8th, 2023 – The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night

Homily – April 8th, 2023 – The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Rm 6:3-11; Mt 28:1-10   That violent darkness that has come upon us and surrounded the Crucifixion of the Lord gave way to the joyful, peaceful and intense light of the Resurrection. It’s impressive to move from the darkness of the night into a ‘flame-glittering church’, at the beginning of the Easter Vigil. We really […]

Holy Tuesday Meditation (Fr. Cristiano Pinheiro)

Meditation – April 4th, 2023 – Holy Tuesday The account of the Gospel of John on the last hours of Jesus’ life is somewhat ‘suspenseful’. And we can misunderstand the account if we read it quickly; they actually need to be enjoyed in a ‘contemplative way’. Yesterday the Gospel led us to Bethany, where Jesus […]

A liquidation-proof happiness: evangelizing in the mall

In the city, the religious element is mediated by different lifestyles, by customs linked to a sense of time, of territory and of relationships that differ from those of rural populations. In everyday life, city dwellers often struggle to survive, and in this struggle, a deep sense of existence is hidden, which usually also includes a deep religious sense.
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