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Jovem a qual é destinada a Exortação Apostólica Christus Vivit

The novelty of Christus Vivit

Pope Francis gave “to young people and to the entire people of God” an apostolic exhortation called Christus Vivit, Christ Lives. It is a document that gathers all that was reflected on, discerned and discussed during the last Synod on “Young people, Faith and Vocational Discernment”, which was held in Rome from October 3rd to 28th 2018.

Christ King of the Universe: in what does this Kingdom consist

THE INSTITUTION OF THE FEAST It is not new to Christians that Christ is King: the Holy Scriptures, the Fathers of the Church and the pious people give testimony. The feast of Christ the King was established less than a hundred years ago in 1925 by Pope Pius XI on the encyclical “Quas Primus” (Latin […]

Christian Carnival attracted 130,000 in Brazil

Brazilian Carnival is largely known is a huge festival with organized parades, samba and dancers. Every year lots of people join the festival held in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Pernambuco and Bahia, where take place the biggest parties. However, it has been increasing the amount of those who decide to participate of a christian […]

Celebrating Christmas where Jesus was born

The morning of Christmas Eve in the Holy Land always has the same sound: that of the Scouts’ drums parading through the cities. This year again, Jerusalem and Bethlehem woke up among the music of dozens of groups, waiting for the beginning of the celebrations for one of the most important religious events. So as […]
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