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Kenneth Branagh’s Very Christian Cinderella

Father Robert Barron is the founder of the global ministry, Word on Fire, and the Rector/President of Mundelein Seminary. He is the creator of the award winning documentary series, “Catholicism” and “Catholicism: The New Evangelization. * * * Kenneth Branagh’s “Cinderella” is the most surprising Hollywood movie of the year so far. I say this […]

Pope: recognize your sins and be transformed by Christ

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Thursday reflected on the transforming grace of God’s Word and invited Christians to recognize their sins and let themselves be transformed by their encounter with Christ. Listen to the report by Linda Bordoni: The Pope was addressing the faithful gathered for morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta. During his homily, Pope […]

Thomas Cardinal Collins releases statement concerning Christians in Iraq.

On August 7th, 2014, His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, release the following statement concerning the persecution of Christians and minority groups in Iraq. Statement from Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto re: Iraqi Christians August 7, 2014 Far away from the comfort of our television screens, tablets and newspapers, a tragedy continues […]

CARDINAL THOMAS COLLINS: Canada can do more to help Christians under siege in Iraq

Cardinal Thomas Collins is Archbishop of Toronto.    Far away from the comfort of our television screens, tablets and newspapers, a tragedy continues to unfold in Iraq. Islamist extremists, intent on eliminating any trace of Christianity, have cast out tens of thousands of Christians, a people with an almost 2,000-year history in the region. Seven […]

“Agere in persona Christi capitis” by Fr. Joao Paulo D. M. Dantas

“Agere in persona Christi capitis: a clarification on the systematic Theology of the ordained ministry”  By Dr. Fr. Joao Paulo D. M. Dantas The author presents a summary of his doctoral research entitled  “In persona Christi capitis: il ministro ordinato come rappresentante di Cristo capo della Chiesa nella discussione teologica da Pio XII fino ad […]

Bishops Seek ‘Rescue Plan’ as Iraq’s Christians Near Extinction

For 1st Time in 1,600 Years, There Was a Sunday in Mosul With No Masses Offered Catholic bishops from Iraq are meeting this week to come up with a “rescue plan” amid growing fears that the ISIS Islamist attacks have put Christianity at increased risk of being extinguished from the country. The meeting of the […]
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