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Feast of the Holy Innocents: 2,000 years later we still remember the pain their mothers felt

Thirty-four years ago I sat beside a hospital bed with its tubes dangling, pumps silent, all attempts at life support shut down, as I held my child, my 22-month-old son, cradling him in my arms as I watched the last flicker of his life ebb away. He died from drowning. But you, you mothers of the Holy Innocents, you whose babies, your young sons, perhaps your 22-month-olds, there you were cradling your children, bloody from the stab wounds inflicted by the soldiers. I think of you and I wonder.

7 Edith Stein quotes every woman should read

Edith Stein was always an over-achiever. Born in Germany in 1891, and eventually known by her religious name, St. Teresa Benedicta, Stein could have been expected to lead a quiet life out of the public eye — since women at the time were offered a significantly smaller number of roles to play in society than men. […]

Ronaldo Pereira: a life consumed for God

“I am only happy when I am really tired, consumed by God’s work”, is what Ronaldo Pereira used to say. Ever since his youth, Ronaldo was always a revolutionary lad. During his school years, he was a writer and the editor of the school’s newspaper which had a communist tone. He wanted to finish high-school, […]
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