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Shalom INTERNET-ional prayer meeting

Shalom INTERNET-ional Prayer Meeting: a new initiative of the Holy Spirit

Due to geographical distances not allowing many people to access a Shalom Evangelization Center in their country, the online initiative for vocational training and awakening was born, it is called the INTERNET-ional Prayer Meeting. It is basically a monthly meeting in English with moments of prayer, preaching and sharing on how to make a vocational […]
Faith is a Panamanian value

WYD Panama 2019 – Panamanian Beauty and Faith

The next WYD in Panama next January is coming soon and wish to give you an opportunity to know more about this great event through an young shalom life missionary who is already there working as a volunteer: Barbara Freitas. She is going to send us a monthly logbook to tell us what God is preparing for us in this amazing country.

“It was born in us a missionary desire as a family”

Higor Fontoura is a Brazilian member of Shalom Catholic Community who has been lived in Boston, USA as a missionary with his family since 2011. His wife Mariana Fontoura is also a member of Shalom Covenant Community and they have 3 beautiful children that fill them with pride and happiness, the older Amanda is 15 years old, Higor Filho is 9 years old and Isabella is 1.

Shalom Krakow mission has its first Polish postulant

The Shalom catholic missionaries from Brazil first arrived in the capital of Poland in 2015, just three years later the community has welcomed the first local vocation, Agnieszka Kluz the first Polish postulant of Shalom Life community in the land of Saint John Paul II. The foundation started with three missionaries of Shalom Life community […]
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