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Shalom will have four new Priests

Four deacons of Shalom Catholic Community will be ordained priest on the 22nd of December by the Archbishop of Fortaleza, Jose Antonio Tosi Marques, at Metropolitan Cathedral of Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil. They are: Cristiano Pinheiro, Edie Bethlem, Gustavo Jose and Hintz Dagoberto, all missionary members of Shalom Community. Their first Mass is to be celebrated […]

Shalom Community’s song recorded in Ecuador

The Ecuadorian singer Juan Pablo Alvarado and the Dominican Celinés Díaz recorded “Como fuego abrasador”, Spanish version of the song “Como fogo abrasador” (in English, “As a blazing fire”), written by Nicodemos Costa and interpreted by Ana Gabriela, both missionary members of Shalom Catholic Community. The song is in the album “Cinco Más” and its […]

Pope Francis canonizes new Saints

(Vatican Radio) This morning the Holy Father Francis received in audience Cardinal Angelo Amato, S.D.B., prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, during which he extended the liturgical cult of the following blesseds to the universal Church, inscribing them in the book of Saints: -Francois de Laval, French bishop of Quebec, Canada (1623-1708). […]
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