Shalom Philippines: The strength of the new evangelization in the Far East Asia 6 February 2021 The Shalom Charism as support for the evangelization of the youth in a catholic university
The New Communities and the creativity of the Holy Spirit in the Church 23 July 2020 In recent decades, God, without annulling, cancelling or excluding the old, rich and classic congregations, orders, institutes of religious and consecrated life in the Church, has given rise to new charisms and vocations.
Shalom Catholic Community goes to the ends of the digital continent 25 May 2020 For Tiago, International Assistant of the Shalom Catholic Community, what has been experienced today “is a very positive experience on our international channels. A new path has been opened up through the virtual world, with a real reach in the lives of people from several nations ”.
Does America need a mission? What an American missionary have to say about it 20 May 2020 "The Shalom charism brought me the joy that comes from the Lord."
From atheist to missionary sent to one of the world’s most faithless countries: meet William Rocha 16 January 2020 The young man had an experience with God in 2007 during a mass dedicated to the sick, in Fortaleza, Brazil. In January 2020 he is to travel to Sweden, a country with an 85% atheist population.
Shalom 2019 priests retreat 14 November 2019 Diocesan and religious priests from Brazil and other countries attended the meeting in Fortaleza-CE (Brazil) from November 4th to 8th.
“Let your priests put on righteousness, and your faithful men rejoice in joy” 30 October 2019 My name is Vicente Tomaz, I’m 38 years old and I’m from São Paulo. I belong to a Catholic family, who raised me in the faith. At age 16, I experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in a Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) group. The experience with the Holy Spirit led me, later, to a […]
The Educational Space of Peace Project will offer training for children and adolescents 21 October 2019 The initiative of the Shalom Catholic Community in the Brazilian State of Pará is seen as providence by the parish priest of the region and has been welcomed by the local authorities.
Pope Francis grants apostolic blessing to Shalom Catholic Community 24 August 2019 Due to the occasion of the meeting for the Ordinary General Assembly, Pope Francis granted his apostolic blessing to the Shalom Catholic Community.