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Understanding the feast of divine mercy

The sunday of divine mercy is how is called the second sunday of easter. This name has been given by John Paul II as a response to the message of Merciful Jesus to Saint Faustina, as she said in her spiritual diary: “Paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the signature: “Jesus, […]

Home Hospital

The Home Hospital As part of the spiritual preparations for WYD, in response to the call of Pope Francis – create a “Home Hospital”! The Idea The initiative came from students gathered in Krakow’s student chaplaincies. Observing with anxiety the changes that took place in the last years in the life of the city – […]


#PrayForMercy     “How I wish that we could join together in a chorus of prayer, from the depths of our hearts, to implore the Lord to have mercy on us and on the whole world!” We want to answer this call of Pope Francis, explained in the Message for the XXXI World Youth Day, […]

Church of The Risen One Who went through the Cross

A house with open doors where many will come and from where many will leave, having experienced God’s mercy which can transform lives. This is the Church of The Risen One Who went through the Cross that is being built at Shalom Catholic Community’s headquarters in Aquiraz, metropolitan area of ​​Fortaleza city, Brazil. Sand and metal so far. […]

Four Tips to live a holy Lent

We are still at the beginning of the Lent, a time where we are called to conversion. This is not a sad time, absolutely, but it is a time of recollection, of inner desert, a time to look inside ourselves, to turn to our family and to the community life. The word “lent” comes from […]

Ronaldo Pereira: a life consumed for God

“I am only happy when I am really tired, consumed by God’s work”, is what Ronaldo Pereira used to say. Ever since his youth, Ronaldo was always a revolutionary lad. During his school years, he was a writer and the editor of the school’s newspaper which had a communist tone. He wanted to finish high-school, […]

Missionaries of Mercy: Doors that open to the service of brothers

  th February 2016, Ash Wednesday, Pope Francis celebrated in the Basilica of St. On 10 Peter, the opening Mass of the Lenten season. On this occasion the Pontiff sent over 1,000 priests from around the world chosen to be Missionaries of Mercy. This year, on the occasion of the Jubilee of Mercy, the Pope allowed these priests summoned […]

Shalom holds carnival retreat in more than 50 cities in Brazil

With the proposal of a different Carnival, the Shalom Catholic Community hosts the event Reborn (or Rebirth, depending on the city that is being held) from 7-9th February in more than 50 cities in Brazil. “A Whole New Life” is the inspiring theme of the event this year, which promise along with the contagious joy, an experience of […]

Shalom missionary in London to have first consecration in Celibacy

For the first time the Shalom Community in London will held a consecration in Celibacy for the Kingdom of Heaven of one of its missionary members. It is a special time of graces for the Mission.  Inspired by the diversity and unity within the Holy trinity, the Shalom Catholic Coomunity, established in 1982, is formed by all three ways […]
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