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Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is also known as the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, which translates from Latin to “Body of Christ.” This feast originated in France in the midthirteenth century and was extended to the whole Church by Pope Urban IV in 1264. This feast is celebrated on […]

Pope at Mass: Priests, never forget your first love

Priests must be pastors first, scholars second, and they should never forget Christ, their “first love”. This was Pope Francis’ message to all men consecrated to God in the priesthood, at Friday morning Mass in Casa Santa Marta. “How is your first love?”. That is, are they still as in love with you as the […]

Pope: the Church is not a rental house, but a home

Pope Francis focused his daily homily on Jesus’ prayer for the unity of his disciples, cautioning that there are many in the Church who call themselves Catholic, but are only half committed. There are some groups that “rent the Church, but do not claim it as their home,” the Pope observed during his June 5 […]

Pope on Holy Land visit: A great grace

At the heart of Pope Francis’ address at his weekly General Audience on Wednesday was his recent visit to the Holy Land. The faithful gathered on a warm day in St Peter’s Square, listened as the Pope told them that this journey was great grace for him and for the whole Church. The Holy Father […]

Forgive One Another … But How?

What was she to do? Brenda’s husband of three years abandoned her two years ago and today she received the divorce notice. “I don’t want to hate him for the rest of my life,” she said of Nathan. “I want to forgive him, but I don’t know how.” Brenda is typical of most of us […]

Who will have lunch with Pope Francis?

JERUSALEM – An interview with Bishop William Shomali, Auxiliary Bishop of Jerusalem, about the families who will have lunch with Pope Francis in Bethlehem after Mass in Manger Square. 1 – Why did the Pope choose to lunch with Christian families? What is his reason for doing so?   Pope Francis wants to spend a […]

Justice and Mercy in Church Marriage Law

  In the run up to the October Synod of Bishops on marriage and the family, experts in Church marriage law came together in Rome this week to discuss the theme ‘Pastoral Marriage: Justice and Mercy, Antidotes Against ‘Laxism’ and ‘Rigorism’”. The study day at the University of the Holy Cross on May 22 aimed […]

Roots of the Culture of Death

  In Chapter 11 of Evangelium Vitae, Saint John Paul II refers to abortion and euthanasia as attacks made against human life at the time of its greatest frailty. He calls our attention to the fact that these attacks are no longer regarded as “crimes,” but as “rights”. They are carried out by health-care personnel […]
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