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Shalom holds carnival retreat in more than 50 cities in Brazil

With the proposal of a different Carnival, the Shalom Catholic Community hosts the event Reborn (or Rebirth, depending on the city that is being held) from 7-9th February in more than 50 cities in Brazil. “A Whole New Life” is the inspiring theme of the event this year, which promise along with the contagious joy, an experience of […]

Young people united for peace and on the way to the Beatitudes

“My dear young ones, be in the front line in this arduous task of building peace in the world”, said Cardinal Rylko to the young people attending the Shalom Youth Congress (SYC or CJS, read more Here). Encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit and the voice of the Church, nearly 300 young people […]

Do you know what is CJS?

Do you know what is CJS?  CJS stands for “Congresso de Jovens Shalom” (in Portuguese) or “Congrès de Juenes Shalom” (in French) which translated into English is Shalom Youth Congress, also SYC. It is an event promoted by Shalom Catholic Community open to all young people who are willing to deepen their experience with the love of […]

Walk of faith: 500km of sugar, storms and blisters

The Caminho da Fe is one of the longest Catholic pilgrimage routes in the world, stretching 500km (310 miles) across south-eastern Brazil – it’s also one of the newest. Bob Walker joined the faithful on their trek to Aparecida. There are many places you’d rather not be when a storm of biblical proportions breaks above […]


The Shalom Catholic Community was founded on 9th July 1982, after that its founder, Moysés Louro de Azevedo Filho, had offered his life and youth to take Christ and the Catholic Church to those who were distant, specially, the youth. On 30th June 1980, Pope John Paul II arrived in Brazil for his first visit […]

Easter Lunch

  Shalom Catholic Community in Toronto promoted this past Sunday an Easter Lunch. Counting with the presence of members of Shalom Community as well with some friends we prayed, praised and celebrated the resurrection  of Christ and his presence in our midst with music, fellowship and delicious food. Thanks for all who could join us. […]

Pope at Santa Marta: Faith, not cold doctrine, brings joy

It is not “cold doctrine” that brings joy, but faith, and the hope of meeting Jesus.  He who cannot rejoice is an unhappy believer: that’s what Pope Francis said in his homily at Thursday morning’s Mass in Santa Marta in the Vatican: Abraham’s joy upon hearing that as God promised, he may become a father […]
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