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Shalom promoted a retreat at Consolata Missionary Centre

From March 6 to 8, Shalom Catholic Community promoted an opened retreat at Consolata Missionary Centre. Under the theme “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted! (Matthew 5:4) the community invited Portuguese speaking living in the Great Toronto Area to enjoy a different weekend where they could pray and learn more about […]

What Job Can Teach us About Fatherhood

When we think of Job, we think of suffering. And it is true—Job suffered far more than any of us can imagine. Despite the fact that he was completely innocent, he endured intense physical pain, lack of sleep, hunger, the loss of his enormous wealth, the death of all of his children, and the insults […]

Pope Francis: homily with announcement of Year of Mercy

Pope Francis presided over a penance service in St. Peter’s Basilica on Friday afternoon, during which he announced an extraordinary Jubilee dedicated to Divine Mercy. Below, please find Vatican Radio’s English translation of the Holy Father’s homily, in which he made the announcement. ******** This year as last, as we head into of the Fourth […]

Pope Francis to confessors: be authentically merciful

Pope Francis on Thursday received a group of priests and bishops participating in a special formation initiative of the Apostolic Penitentiary on the internal forum. The Apostolic Penitentiary is the Church tribunal that deals primarily with issues that arise in and around the Sacrament of Confession, as well as the lifting of excommunications reserved to […]

Pope Francis, to receive pardon, we must give pardon

Focusing primarily on the reading from the Gospel according to St Matthew (18:21-35), in which the Lord counsels His disciples to forgive “seventy times seven” times, i.e. always and without stint, the Holy Father addressed the close connection between God’s forgiveness of our sins and our forgiveness of others. Drawing on the Old Testament reading […]

Shades of Truth: Between Truth and Skepticism

On Monday, March 2, the film “Shades of Truth” was presented in Rome. Written and directed by Liana Marabini, it was produced by Condor Pictures. It is a film with an exceptional cast. Among others are Christopher Lambert, Marie-Christine Barrault, Giancarlo Giannini, Remo Girone, Gedeon Burkhard, and David Wall. It will be shown, outside the […]

Seven days of non-stop adoration for YOU

  Shalom Catholic Community invites you to the closing ceremony of Jericho Siege, which will take place   on February 25th, this Wednesday, at Shalom´s house, 7 pm. The mass, open to the public, will be        celebrated in Portuguese by Father Faustino.   Jericho Siege is an event where the Holy Sacrament is […]
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