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Bishops Seek ‘Rescue Plan’ as Iraq’s Christians Near Extinction

For 1st Time in 1,600 Years, There Was a Sunday in Mosul With No Masses Offered Catholic bishops from Iraq are meeting this week to come up with a “rescue plan” amid growing fears that the ISIS Islamist attacks have put Christianity at increased risk of being extinguished from the country. The meeting of the […]

Pope: Unprecedented Religious Persecution Can’t Go On

Pope Francis says it is incomprehensible and troubling that people continue to suffer discrimination, restriction of their rights and, even, persecution for professing their faith. This morning, the Holy Father ushered in the first day of a two-day international congress in Rome, titled “Religious Freedom According to International Law and Global Conflict of Values,” organized […]

Pope at Mass: Priests, never forget your first love

Priests must be pastors first, scholars second, and they should never forget Christ, their “first love”. This was Pope Francis’ message to all men consecrated to God in the priesthood, at Friday morning Mass in Casa Santa Marta. “How is your first love?”. That is, are they still as in love with you as the […]

Pope: the Church is not a rental house, but a home

Pope Francis focused his daily homily on Jesus’ prayer for the unity of his disciples, cautioning that there are many in the Church who call themselves Catholic, but are only half committed. There are some groups that “rent the Church, but do not claim it as their home,” the Pope observed during his June 5 […]

How to Save Catholic Schools

It’s commencement season and tens of thousands of students are graduating from inner-city Catholic elementary schools. As decades of empirical research have shown, these kids have a better chance of successfully completing high school and college, and are better prepared to life-after-the-classroom, than their peers attending government schools. These inner-city Catholic schools are “public schools” […]

34 graduate from Instituo de Formacion de Laicos

he Spanish-language lay formation program of the Archdiocese of Boston, the Instituto de Formacion de Laicos, graduated 34 laypeople representing 13 parishes from their formation certificate program, May 14, at Immaculate Conception Parish in Everett. Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley celebrated the graduation Mass with 13 priests, including the director of the Hispanic Apostolate Father Francisco […]

Forgive One Another … But How?

What was she to do? Brenda’s husband of three years abandoned her two years ago and today she received the divorce notice. “I don’t want to hate him for the rest of my life,” she said of Nathan. “I want to forgive him, but I don’t know how.” Brenda is typical of most of us […]
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