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Registration to the next WYD are in full gear

Registration to the next WYD are in full gear

Less than a year to go to the WYD in Panama (January 22-27 2019). Preparations in the Central American country are in full gear especially after Pope Francis officially opened registrations last February. Over 40 thousand signed up in less than a week, divided into 1000 groups. The preparations to welcome over half million youths are in full gear. We discussed the organization of the event with Fr João Chagas, Director of the Youth Office of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life.

The Tau in the Shalom vocation

The TAU The TAU is in the form of the Greek letter TAU (T), which is in the shape of a cross. The two major influences for Francis, in relation to the TAU, were the Antonians and the Fourth Council of the Lateran. Saint Francis got the TAU and it’s meaning from the Antonians. They […]


  Moysés Louro de Azevedo Filho is the founder and general moderator of the Shalom Catholic Community, a consultant for the Pontifical Council for the Laity since 2007 and the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization since 2011. Born on November 4, 1959, in Fortaleza, Brazil, he was educated in a Catholic environment and, […]


  The Shalom Catholic Community was founded on July 9, 1982, after its founder, Moysés Louro de Azevedo Filho, offered his life and youth to bring Christ and the Catholic Church to those who were distant, especially the youth. On June 30, 1980, Pope John Paul II arrived in Brazil for his first visit to […]

Church, mission, poverty and Evangelization through the world, the topics of Shalom International Youth Congress in Rome

During the Shalom International Youth Congress, the talk in the afternoon received special guests to speak about very important topics in today’s young people lives. Vitor Aragão, Life Community missionary and responsible for the Youth Advisory of Shalom Community, and Teresa Maria from the Mission of Toulon, France, were leading the moment. To talk about […]

The Choices of God

The choice of God towards the little shepherd David Moved by the readings of the book of Samuel, I felt motivated to meditate and pray upon the choice of God towards the little shepherd David. After personal prayer and meditation upon those passages of the book of Samuel I was amazed to see how God […]
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