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Second Preparatory Meeting for WYD

Second Preparatory Meeting for World Youth Day Panama 2019

With just six months to go before the next WYD in Panama more than 80 countries from 5 continents sent delegates from their dioceses and ecclesial movements to attend the Second Preparatory Meeting for World Youth Day Panama 2019 with the Local Organizing Committee to know more how Panama has been preparing the organization, accommodation, […]

“It was born in us a missionary desire as a family”

Higor Fontoura is a Brazilian member of Shalom Catholic Community who has been lived in Boston, USA as a missionary with his family since 2011. His wife Mariana Fontoura is also a member of Shalom Covenant Community and they have 3 beautiful children that fill them with pride and happiness, the older Amanda is 15 years old, Higor Filho is 9 years old and Isabella is 1.
El Cerco de Jericó: fuerza de la oración en Madagascar

Siege of Jericho: the power of prayer in Madagascar

The Shalom in Madagascar, Africa, commemorated the Siege of Jericho with a seven-day adoration vigil from April 23-30, 2018. It began and ended with Holy Mass. According to Raimundo Manoel, a missionary member of Shalom Life Community in Madagascar, the Siege of Jericho vigil has been done every year in their chapel since 2012, but […]

Moyses Azevedo: God performs a new outpouring of His Spirit

Every year, the general counsel of the Shalom Catholic Community have a retreat to pray and to listen from God his wisdom for our lives as disciples and ministers of peace in the world. After it, the founder shares God’s inspirations for the Community. This year the main revelation was that God desires to perform a “Pentecost of Love" in us. We believe that what God wishes to do is for all the Church and mankind, so we are sharing here some parts of God’s message to us, his beloved children.


Diaconia is the seat of the General Government of the Shalom Catholic Community where the advisors, secretariats and sectors work, directly linked to the general moderator. It is called the heart of the Shalom Work, as it assists missions in various services related to missionary and community action, as well as the work with young […]
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