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Prayer Groups in: Portuguese -Thursday at 7:30 pm Portuguese – Saturday at 6:30pm (Couples) English – Saturday at 6:30pm (Teens) English and portuguese – Saturday at 6:30pm (Kids) English – Saturday at 4:30 pm (Youth) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:  Thursday: 3 pm – 6 pm Counseling and Prayer : By appointment We also held: Courses […]

Being Shalom

“The Lord, our God, who deserves all the love in the world, performs a work among us: a new work, a new way. This way is real and as time goes by I feel it more concrete inside my heart. It is something new, it is something wonderful. I feel it like God wanting to […]


Diaconia is the headquarter of the Shalom Catholic Community’s General Government where the advisories, secretariats and sectors are linked directly to the general moderator work. It is called Shalom’s heart, because it assists the missions in many services linked to the missionary and communitarian action, the work with the youth, and to the human and […]


“What should we do, Lord, if not love you completely, with all we are! To give ourselves to you with all our weakness and, despite it, to live for you and to be the servants of your Kingdom?” (Written Espousal Love). Shalom’s Spirituality is based on the unconditional love, “espousal”, to Jesus Christ and in […]

The TAU in Shalom Vocation

Meaning The TAU has a shape of the greek letter (T) that is a cross. St. Francis borrowed the Tau and what it meant to him from the Antonians. They were a religious community of men founded in 1095 whose sole function was to care for lepers. The Tau is the habit of the Secular […]

St. Francis of Assisi

The Shalom vocation is a vocation with single traits influenced by the Franciscan Spirituality. Along with St. Teresa of Avila, St. Francis of Assisi is a teacher of spiritual life for the members of Shalom Community. He is a safe way that the catholic mystique presents us. We are inspired by him to cry out […]

Summer, WYD and Pope Francis

You may think  what Summer, World Youth Day and Pope Francis have in common to be together in this post. Well, I can assure you  that they have a lot in common actually. Let us start with Summer. It   is a great time, especially for those who live in North America, as we here  in […]

Life Community

The vocation to Shalom Community might be lived in two complementary dimensions: The Life Community and the Covenant Community. “In Life Community, our realization is no longer in what the world has to offer us, but it will be exactly in the renouncement of all this, for a total dedication to God and to the […]

Covenant Community

The covenant community is called to follow Jesus Christ living amidst Family and professional activities, taking the responsibility to live them according to the Shalom vocation. All the members of the community must be “light for the world and salt for the earth” in the secular ways. They meet twice a week in Community Cells, […]
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