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Home Hospital

The Home Hospital As part of the spiritual preparations for WYD, in response to the call of Pope Francis – create a “Home Hospital”! The Idea The initiative came from students gathered in Krakow’s student chaplaincies. Observing with anxiety the changes that took place in the last years in the life of the city – […]


#PrayForMercy     “How I wish that we could join together in a chorus of prayer, from the depths of our hearts, to implore the Lord to have mercy on us and on the whole world!” We want to answer this call of Pope Francis, explained in the Message for the XXXI World Youth Day, […]

Pope: “Where there is no mercy there is no justice”

Pope Francis on Monday warned against righteous hypocrisy and urged Christians to be merciful.   During his homily at morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta, the Pope reflected on the Gospel readings of the day and on another Gospel passage pointing out that “where there is no mercy there is no justice”. Referring to […]

Poetry and Beauty

21th of March is World Poetry Day. The word “poetry” has a Greek origin which means “I make” or “I create”. Therefore, it is something someone makes or creates. It is an art form where the poet uses human language “to create”, to express himself or express something. “Poetry is when an emotion has found […]

St Patrick’s Breastplate Prayer

St. Patrick’s Breastplate is a popular prayer attributed to one of Ireland’s most beloved patron saints. According to tradition, St Patrick wrote it in 433 A.D. for divine protection before successfully converting the Irish King Leoghaire and his subjects from paganism to Christianity. (The term breastplate refers to a piece of armor worn in battle). More […]
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