
Presenting the third Acamps Summer Festival


The first two events were a total success; more than 350 young people from different countries gathered in Summer for two consecutive years in the Lake Balaton region, Hungary, to live this experience proposed by the Shalom Catholic Community. This year, from 5th to 9th of August, for the first time, the Acamps will take place in Italy, in the tourist park “Oasi delle Mainarde”, which is in the heart of the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise, next to Mainarde Molisane.

Young adults will camp in tents and be in contact with nature; the days will be full of live music, prayer, concerts, sports and other activities; in the afternoon, there will be adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Holy Mass. There will also be the possibility of meeting people from different countries, enriching their own personal experience of faith and friendship. We already have so many testimonies in just two years of Acamps, showing how deeply this event touched the lives of so many young people.

“I was impressed how similar we all are, regardless of the language we speak, what we eat or our color. We share the same desires, the same concerns, we experience the same feelings”. Bogumiła Skrzeszewska – Poland

The first Acamps event was in Brazil, in 1990 and since then it has spread all over the world. This adventure was planned by the young people of the Shalom Community, who also wanted to offer to their friends a different type of holiday, presenting them with an opportunity to have fun, but most of all have the same experience of faith they had done with God in the Catholic Church. The idea was to offer a new, relaxing summer, rich in communion and fun that could also give young people the possibility to start or consolidate a friendship with God.

You arrive at Acamps in one way and leave there transformed.

“Personally, Acamps marked a turning point in my life: I understood something that before seemed as obvious as it was distant and irrelevant: I also have the right to be happy!” Clara Moranzoni – Italy

The event is open to all young people who believe in God or not, who wish to experience something they have never experienced in their lives. “All young people who feel a great desire for something new, for something different and want to have an experience that will change their lives”, says one of the event’s organizers.

Why not try it?


The Shalom Community


The Shalom Catholic Community, founded in 1982 in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil, is an “International Association of the Faithful”, recognized by the Holy See through the Pontifical Council for the Laity on February 22, 2007. The Community is present in more than 80 dioceses in Brazil and in 30 other countries around the world, with mission houses and Evangelization Centers. Through prayer, evangelization initiatives through music, training, courses and many other services that promote human dignity, the Shalom Community aims to reach men and women from around the world, especially young people.

Giulia Somma 
Translation: William Rocha

Acamps Summer Festival 2020


From 5 to 09 August
Location: Abruzzo National Park, Lazio and Molise – Italy

Until 29/03: € 120
From 30/03 to 07/06: € 150
From 08/07 to 05/08: € 180

Sito Web:
Instagram: acampsfestival
Facebook: acampsfestival






Acamps Summer Festival 2018, Hungary – A Great Success!

Acamps Summer Festival 2019 – II edition, Hungary


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