
Shalom Philippines: The strength of the new evangelization in the Far East Asia

The Shalom Charism as support for the evangelization of the youth in a catholic university


Evangelize! Perhaps this word is not new to many, but it can and must be renewed every day. Not for obligation, but for love of God, neighbor and oneself. And it is in this context that the Shalom Manila mission carries out its apostolic actions. Little by little. Day by day. With little more than 3 years of foundation, the mission recognizes what is proper to its people, entrusted by God to the Shalom Catholic Community in evangelization in the Philippines. 

With this in mind and motivated by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, the invitation to the New Evangelization that the missionaries are discovering how to reach the heart of every Filipino. For this to become concrete it is necessary to advance in new fields. For us, some of these fields are the universities. 

In his Apostolic Exhortation, Pope Francis tells us that “universities are outstanding environments for articulating and developing this evangelizing commitment in an interdisciplinary and integrated way”.

Shalom Manila and Universities

By God’s providence, the mission of the Shalom Catholic Community in the Philippines has its grounded role among young university students. 

Living this finding in action, the mission places its service in two of the largest and most important universities in Asia: De La Salle University and The Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas (UST), both hosted the work of evangelization with young students and collaborators. 

Actions of evangelization

Before the period of social isolation due to the Corona Virus pandemic, the community held theme parties, times of fraternity and prayer groups for students leading many to live this experience with the new evangelization. Currently, these activities are suspended by recommendations of the authorities and laws in force in the country to combat the pandemic. 

However, evangelization does not stop. As a way to continue these actions the missionaries participate in online activities with students and collaborators. Motivational actions and deep spirituality at Holy Mass are some of these activities. 

As a grace, we see the importance of the presence and action of the Shalom Charism among the Filipino people who experience the power of the Risen One. 


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