
The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of miracles

The Charisms of the Spirit, conferred to all in Baptism and intensified in Confirmation, are also called gifts of the Holy Spirit. With these gifts He enables us to serve the Church of Christ.


It is the Power of God to intervene in a given situation in relation to nature, health and life. They are supernatural phenomena carried out by God, with the purpose that men may know his glory, his power and be converted. Through miracles, the person has a concrete experience with God’s love for them and with the Lord’s presence in their lives, in the lives of his brothers and sisters in the world.

The Gift of Miracles is the action of the Holy Spirit that changes the normal course of nature for someone’s sake. The miracle is a clear, sensitive and visible intervention of God in the “ordinary” or “normal” discourse of events: instantaneous cures for incurable diseases, resurrection of the dead, extraordinary phenomena of nature and so on.


Difference between miracle and cure

Healing is when God speeds up the healing process that could be achieved through natural means such as surgery, medicine, rest etc. Miracle is when a cure takes place when no medical science could do, but God does.

Miracles are interventions of God, directly from Him, in the nature of man, or in the order of creation. Miracles prove the Power of God at work in the lives of men, leading them to an ever increasing faith.


Miracles in the Old Testament

– Ex 14 – Passage of the Red Sea;

– Nm 17:16-26 – Episode of Aaron’s rod that budded;

– Josh 3:14-17 – Joshua and his people crossed the Jordan River on dry feet;

– I Kg 17:16 – Multiplication of the flour and oil that Elijah had promised.


Miracles in the New Testament

– Lk 13:10 – Woman who lived bent over 18 years;

– Lk 18:35 – Blind in Jericho;

– Mt 9:1 – Paralytic in Capernaum;

– Mt 15:29-31 – Crippled, lame, blind were healed;

– Jn 2:11 – Wedding at Cana.


We need to believe in this Gift of Miracles in the heart of the Church. Through it, we will be able to witness more convincingly the “wonders of God” today and always.


Our collaboration is essential

The charisms of the Spirit, conferred on all in Baptism and intensified in Confirmation, are also called the gifts of the Holy Spirit. With these gifts He enables us to serve the Church of Christ through our brothers. The charisms are therefore powerful gifts for the service of the Christian community.

But there are conditions for receiving and persevering in the charismatic life: simplicity and purity of heart; assiduity of meditation on the Word of God; life of prayer; desire to serve brothers like Jesus (Lk 22:27); perseverance in receiving spiritual gifts (always open to being channels of action and to the power of the Spirit).

Our collaboration is essential. God doesn’t want us to be robots that act independently, as mechanical beings. Respect our freedom and our consent. If we believe, we say yes to what the Lord wants to accomplish in us. Mary Most Holy is the model of total openness: “May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Lk 1:38).


Translation: William Rocha




Bíblia Ave-Maria
Estudo Bíblico Enchei-vos
Carismas – Coleção Paulo Apóstolo
O despertar dos Carismas
Catecismo da Igreja Católica
Christisfidelis Laice
Como usar los carismas – Benigno Juanes
Lumen Gentium


The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of science

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The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of discernment

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of wisdom

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of prophecy

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of faith

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of healing


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