
Towards WYD Seoul 2027!

At a press conference, the Holy See announced the activities planned in preparation for WYD Seoul 2027 and the theme and logo for the event.

Foto: Dicastério para os leigos, a família e a vida/ Photo: Dicastery for laity, family and life

The Holy See has released this morning, september 24, new information regarding the preparations for the upcoming WYD Seoul 2027. At a press conference held in the Sala Stampa, Cardinal Kevin J. Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, announced that on November 24, the Solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe, the symbol of the WYD Cross and the icon of Mary Salus populi romani will be presented to the Korean youth at a Mass presided over by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Basilica.

This gesture of handing over the WYD symbols, currently kept at the San Lorenzo Center, will mark the beginning of the spiritual preparation of the Korean Church for World Youth Day.

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“Take courage: I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33)

It has also been announced that the theme chosen by the Holy Father for the 41st WYD to be held in South Korea will be: Take courage: I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33).

A bible verse that takes on special significance for the Church in Asia and especially in Korea, where 11% of the population is Catholic and whose lands have witnessed the dedication of the lives of many missionaries and martyrs, such as St. Andrew Kim (the first Korean Catholic priest).

“Our hope is that many young people, even those who have never participated in a WYD, will travel in the next three years a path, especially an interior one, to meet in Asia with the Successor of Peter and together give a courageous witness to Christ,” concluded Cardinal Farrell.

WYD Logo

Bishop Paul Kyung Sang Lee, General Coordinator of WYD Seoul 2027, presented the WYD logo: a cross inspired by traditional Korean art with the colors black, blue, red and yellow.

“The overall design uses the unique brushstroke techniques of Korean painting and subtly incorporates hangul characters representing “Seoul”. The red and blue symbolize Christ’s triumphant victory over the world; the red refers to the blood shed by martyrs in Korean lands and the yellow signifies that Christ is the light of the world.”

Bishop Lee also explained that “through this different symbolism, the logo of WYD Seoul 2027 integrates the multiple meanings of martyrdom, youth, Seoul, WYD and the cross, celebrating the glory of the victory achieved through the Holy Spirit. It announces the call to the youth of Korea and the world to proclaim the faith of the martyrs to the world of our time.”

Korea, a mission land

During the presentation, Archbishop Peter Soon-Taick Chung, Archbishop of Seoul and President of the Organizing Committee for WYD Seoul 2027, noted that the Korean Catholic Church is a witness to the voluntary and dynamic faith of its first faithful, who received the seeds of the Gospel without the help of missionaries, guided by the Holy Spirit. Each World Youth Day is a valuable opportunity for the host Church to celebrate, together with other Churches, its own culture and faith”.

The presentation concluded with an invitation from a korean girl, Gabriela Su-Ji Kim, to all young people to participate in the upcoming WYD: “Through WYD Seoul 2027 we will forge a path of unity, hope, courage and passion, welcoming people from all walks of life, not only Catholic believers, to walk together in harmony. I trust that our Lord Jesus Christ will walk with us on this pilgrimage to Asia.

Photo: Dicastery for laity, family and life


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