“When the Risen Jesus appeared to the disciples in the Cenacle, the first word He uttered was ‘Shalom’ (…) That is the day that the Lord made us, when Jesus gave his disciples access to the Way of Peace” (Letter to the Community).

The Way of Peace is the itinerary for the formation of all the prayer group members of the Shalom Work. By presenting specific content and resources, it aims to direct the prayer group members from the very first encounter with Jesus to maturity in faith, through holiness and becoming a radical witness to the Gospel.

The Way of Peace was born with the founding experience of the Shalom Catholic Community, its inspiration and first steps. From the first activities accomplished by the Community, always marked by audacity and creativity to announce Jesus, the people had an intense experience with the love of God, which generated reconciliation and a changed life. It was grace, “a fountain of divine blessings, a highly visible source of His Love (…) of security in the ways of the Lord” manifesting and creating new people (Written in The Heart of the Work).

This experience deepened and gave momentum to the newly formed work: the experience with Jesus Christ led to a profound conversion, ardor and joy in proclaiming Him, leading the evangelized person to become a witness to the one who, by enduring the cross, grants peace and pardon to every person and to all humanity.

Along the years, this movement gained a face, phases and content, therefore defining the Way of Peace.

The Way of Peace contains five formation topics:

Spiritual Dimension: represents the entirety of experiencing a prayer group, keeping in mind that the contemplation of the Shalom Charisma is not restricted to specific moments of prayer. It refers to the relationship with God built through the resources offered by the Church and by the Charisma, such as; personal and communal prayer, bible study, zeal for the sacraments, love for the Eucharist and for the Virgin Mary, worship, penitence, living the liturgical seasons, fraternity and apostolic exercises.

Biblical Dimension: The fundamental and righteous journey in accordance with the Word of God.

Human Dimension: intensifies fraternal experiences, the feeling of belonging to the  Shalom Work, and experiencing the Gospel by sharing in a group, and the accompaniments given by the prayer group coordinator.

Doctrinal Dimension: the privilege of knowing the Doctrine of the Church, its meaning and deepening in daily life and prayer.

Missionary Dimension: highlights the elements which awaken and stimulates a commitment to the Work and the missionary calling.