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Pope at Santa Marta: Everything for the Lord and others

When the Church is humble and poor, then “it is faithful” to Christ, giving all it has for the Lord and others, leaving nothing for itself said Pope Francis at morning Mass in  Casa Santa Marta Monday. Pope Francis based his reflections on the Gospel of the Day which recounts the episode of the poor […]

Pope Francis: Marriage and the family are in crisis

(Vatican Radio) On Monday, Pope Francis addressed a Colloquium being held on the theme “The Complementarity of Man and Woman in Marriage.” The Holy Father began his address by dwelling on the word “complementarity”: “a precious word, with multiple meanings.” Although complementarity can refer “situations where one of two things adds to, completes, or fulfills […]

Holy Father’s Angelus address for the Solemnity of All Saints and the Faithful Departed: today we are called to remember those who no one remembers

  Below a Vatican Radio translation of the Holy Father’s Angelus address: Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good day! Yesterday we celebrated the Solemnity of All Saints, and today the liturgy invites us to commemorate the faithful departed. These two occurrences are intimately linked to each other, just as joy and tears find a synthesis in […]

Pope: recognize your sins and be transformed by Christ

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Thursday reflected on the transforming grace of God’s Word and invited Christians to recognize their sins and let themselves be transformed by their encounter with Christ. Listen to the report by Linda Bordoni: The Pope was addressing the faithful gathered for morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta. During his homily, Pope […]

Pope Francis: the mother Church embraces persecuted Iraqis

At the General Audience Wednesday, Pope Francis told Arabic speaking pilgrims and “particularly those from Iraq,” that “like all mothers,” the Church accompanies her needy children.  She “raises up the fallen child, heals his wounds, seeks the lost… and defends those who are defenseless and persecuted.”  The Pope assured “especially these last of you, the […]
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