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Pope at Mass: Let not your heart be troubled

Those who welcome the Holy Spirit will have a solid and endless peace, unlike those who choose to “superficially” trust in the tranquility offered by money or power. This was Pope Francis’ message at Mass Tuesday morning in Casa Santa Marta. The peace offered by things – money , power , vanity – and peace […]

Editing our own genes?

Several serious diseases are known to occur because of defects or mutations in our DNA. Curing such diseases could, in principle, be carried out by rewriting the DNA to fix the mutated base pairs. Yet, until recently scientists have remained largely stymied in their attempts to directly modify genes in a living animal. Findings described […]

Pope at Mass: Firmness of heart

A Christian should have their heart fixed on the Holy Spirit, not a fickle heart that dances from one place to another. This was Pope Francis’ message Monday morning at Mass in Casa Santa Marta. The Pope focused his homily on St. Paul, who was able to continuously evangelize because his heart was made firm […]

Pope sends his blessings to participants of the Asian Conference on the Family

Pope Francis has praised Philippine Bishops for holding the “Asian Conference on the Family” currently underway in Manila. The conference, which runs until 16 May, gathers thousands of religious, educators, lay faithful, and politicians all over Asia to tackle the present-day situation of the human family. In a message signed by Vatican Secretary of State, […]

Pope Francis: discourse to diplomats

Pope Francis received letters of credence from a group of ambassadors to the Holy See on Thursday morning. The ambassadors hail from Ethiopia, India, Jamaica, Liberia, South Africa, Sudan, and Switzerland. In remarks prepared for the occasion and delivered to the ambassadors in the Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace on Thursday morning, Pope Francis […]

In the Risen Christ, the man dressed in life

—————– (excerpts from the preaching of Moses Easter Azevedo in 2007 – Tried to maintain the conversational tone) Christ is risen, Hallelujah. He is truly risen! Hallelujah! Saint Paul himself said: “If Christ has not been raised, then our faith is in vain”. But as Christ is risen from the dead, we are the happiest […]

Pope Francis canonizes new Saints

(Vatican Radio) This morning the Holy Father Francis received in audience Cardinal Angelo Amato, S.D.B., prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, during which he extended the liturgical cult of the following blesseds to the universal Church, inscribing them in the book of Saints: -Francois de Laval, French bishop of Quebec, Canada (1623-1708). […]
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