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Being Catholic in Zanzibar

Mathew Limo* knows what to expect when he goes to church with his family. On the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar, where 98 percent of the population is Muslim, Christians are given the cold shoulder. The past year has been characterized by renewed violence against Christians. So far the violence remains aimed at religious, but the […]

Jesus Must be Foundation of Every Catholic School

Catholic schools must have Christ as their foundation, and Catholic teachers are the core of the educational and missionary action of the Church. Their recruitment and training are also a challenge for the future of the young generations and the Church more than ever. These were some of the conclusions to have come out of […]

The Tau in Shalom Vocation

Meaning The TAU has a shape of the greek letter (T) that is a cross. St. Francis borrowed the Tau and what it meant to him from the Antonians. They were a religious community of men founded in 1095 whose sole function was to care for lepers. The Tau is the habit of the Secular […]

The Church Can Help Build a Better Europe

The campaign for the European elections opens on May 12. The elections will take place from May 22 to 25 in the 28 member states of the European Union (May 25 in France). More than 500 million Europeans will choose their 751 representatives (74 for France) in the European Parliament for the next five years. […]

Westminster’s cardinal-elect is on his way to Rome

Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, was named cardinal by Pope Francis. “The Catholic Church in our countries has always had a profound and loving loyalty to the Holy Father, the Successor of St Peter. This appointment enables me, on behalf of all, to serve the Pope in a direct and prolonged way”, said the designated-cardinal. […]

Pope Francis at weekly General Audience: the scandal of division

Pope Francis devoted the catechetical portion of his weekly General Audience on Wednesday to the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which this year is dedicated to a question taken from the First Letter to the Corinthians: “Has Christ Been Divided?”. The English-language synthesis, read out after the main reflection delivered by Pope Francis in […]
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