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Pope at Santa Marta: Depression and hope

Reality can be ugly, but despite the suffering, corruption and indifference in today’s world as Christians we must hold our heads high in hope said Pope Francis at Mass Thursday morning in Casa Santa Marta. Basing his reflections on the Readings of the Day, Pope Francis spoke of the fate of the two cities of […]

Pope at Santa Marta: Everything for the Lord and others

When the Church is humble and poor, then “it is faithful” to Christ, giving all it has for the Lord and others, leaving nothing for itself said Pope Francis at morning Mass in  Casa Santa Marta Monday. Pope Francis based his reflections on the Gospel of the Day which recounts the episode of the poor […]

Pope Francis: Marriage and the family are in crisis

(Vatican Radio) On Monday, Pope Francis addressed a Colloquium being held on the theme “The Complementarity of Man and Woman in Marriage.” The Holy Father began his address by dwelling on the word “complementarity”: “a precious word, with multiple meanings.” Although complementarity can refer “situations where one of two things adds to, completes, or fulfills […]

Rescued By Love

By: Daiana Barboza There is this new song by Sia, which is called “Swing from the Chandelier” and up until this moment I did not bother to pay attention to the lyrics. So I took the time and looked them up to understand the song better. The song brought back so many memories from a […]

Galaxies come to the Vatican

Galaxies, collections of billions of stars in beautiful spirals or elegant elliptical clouds, were once called “island universes” because they seemed so distant that they couldn’t possibly impinge on us. But the study of galaxies, near and far, young and old, has touched the Vatican this past month. It is the topic of the Vatican […]

Pope Francis leads Corpus Domini celebrations

Pope Francis celebrated Mass at Rome’s cathedral Basilica of St John Lateran on Thursday evening, to mark the Solemnity of the Most Precious Body and Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, often known by the abbreviations of its Latin name, Corpus Domini or Corpus Christi. Mass was followed by the traditional torchlight Eucharistic procession, in […]

Pope: the Church is not a rental house, but a home

Pope Francis focused his daily homily on Jesus’ prayer for the unity of his disciples, cautioning that there are many in the Church who call themselves Catholic, but are only half committed. There are some groups that “rent the Church, but do not claim it as their home,” the Pope observed during his June 5 […]

How to Save Catholic Schools

It’s commencement season and tens of thousands of students are graduating from inner-city Catholic elementary schools. As decades of empirical research have shown, these kids have a better chance of successfully completing high school and college, and are better prepared to life-after-the-classroom, than their peers attending government schools. These inner-city Catholic schools are “public schools” […]
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