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John the Baptist, prophet of Spiritual Joy

“Joy is a mark of those who have had an experience with the Risen One who passed through the cross, for it is one of the fruits of the resurrection: “Jesus came and stood in the midst of them and said to them, ‘Shalom!… After that word He showed them His hands and His side. […]

Unprecedented Mass

The mass for discipleship and postulancy was something I never imagined.  When I say this, I am referring to the unprecedented moment caused by the coronavirus pandemic.   Everyone had to be six feet apart and wearing face masks during the celebration of the Eucharist.  I am sure it’s not how everyone had envisioned such […]

Happy 5th Anniversary Shalom Boston

As we deepened in the Shalom vocation, and discovered this magnificent charism through the spousal love, our life, our family and everything around us was changing. It didn't take long for us to feel the strong call to leave as a missionary family. It was then that, in 2013, we came to Boston.
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